Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar to land on November 7, 2014

Nolan’s next movie looks to delve deep into the theories of famed physicist Kip Thorne

My favorite filmmaker is Christopher Nolan.  His short, but excellent filmography contains not a single bad movie in my eyes and, although there are many across the internet who would despise me for it, I am a self-professed “Nolanite”.  The Dark Knight was one of the first movies I had ever seen where I was truly engrossed by the filmmaking process.  From directing and cinematography, to sound and editing, film as a medium of art has become an obesession of mine, and I thank Nolan for introducing me to it.  With The Prestige, Inception and The Dark Knight Trilogy being some of my favorite movies, I was waiting with baited breath for news of Nolan’s next project: now we have an answer (and a date).

Nolan’s next film will be a deeply science fiction blockbuster called Interstellar and will arrive in movie theaters and IMAX on Novermber 7, 2014.  I am beyond excited for Nolan’s take on a true science fiction movie (Inception only scratched the surface) and to have it be only a year and half away makes me a happy fanboy.  Reports say that the film will involve wormholes, time travel, and alternate dimensions and will be based on a script by his brother and long-time collaborator, Jonathon Nolan.  The film will be jointly distributed by Warner Bros. (Nolan’s longtime champion) internationally and Paramount domestically.  In the coming months, I am sure we will see who exactly will be working on the project, whether Nolan stays true to his tradition of keeping on the same casts (and who wouldn’t with the litany of Academy Award winners/nominees at his disposal), and who will come on as director of photography now that his long-time cinematographer Wally Pfister has embarked on his own directing career.  Even without Pfister, information that this will be released in IMAX is definitely great news as I believe that it is an incredible visual medium and it confirms Nolan’s commitment to pioneering it to be more widely used.  Some have speculated that the November release date is a play at a potential Oscar campaign, but obviously that discussion is grossly premature.  Regardless, I will continue updating on this project in what is sure to be one of the biggest movies of 2014.